If you have a deep sense of compassion and justice, social work may be the career for you!
Social Work and Human Services is a field of study that gives you a foundation for a career that strives to enhance the social functioning of all people and promote the development of environmental conditions that help everyone achieve their maximum potential.
A career in social work may appeal to you if:
- You want to be in a profession that involves transferable skills which allow you to find work in a wide variety of different careers and settings.
- You are the kind of person that your friends turn to for help or just to talk.
- You have a strong sense of compassion and desire to help people.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Social Work Student Diosalen Valdez
"Introduction to Social Work was an amazing class; it reassured me that I was choosing the correct career for me. I would recommend Introduction to Social Work to other students that are not sure what career path they want to take."